Monday, April 25, 2011

Proof of the Corruption We All Want To Change

Viewing Stereo Putrid's post on Congresswoman Donna Adams reminded me of a video I saw a few weeks ago posted above. In this video Anthony Weiner lists a myriad unconstitutional actions that were committed by the House and Senate and basically schools them with, what I call, "swagger". This video definitely proves that corruption does occur in our government and I guarantee a large majority of the population are oblivious. They are making decisions that directly affect our economy.  Luckily we have access to videos like this  to become aware of what is occurring in our capital. I believe Anthony Weiner's passionate protest witnessed in the video is the way every citizen has to protest. We need to wake people up and stop certain politicians from manipulating the laws and passing bills that will take advantage of certain citizens.

I understand that it requires much effort and time to research, be heard and organize some form of rebellion against it. But, slowly, the more citizens begin knowing, it will be easier to send a more impacting message of discontent with the actions of the people in power. We also have the power of our vote that decides who sits and runs our government. There is much that needs to be changed but it we need to be intelligent and active or anyone can just step over us. We live in a democracy where we can be heard but no one speaks!

New Forms of Entertainment an Art Form?

As a young student heavily interested in the intricate and growing connection between the internet and our culture, I enjoy being aware of the many recent websites that seem to be becoming more diverse, interesting and useful. I'm not just talking social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter either. A friend recommended to visit Stereo Mood. It is a website that collects music and makes these massive playlists according to your mood. There is so much strange, new music (I would probably never have heard) that truly enhances whatever you are experiencing. As I was exploring the site I noticed a link on the left of the page. 

It says "Let us keep surprising you with emotions." as a call for donations and it was after reading this when I realized Stereo Mood is essentially part of this new artistic movement on the internet. I suppose it sounds strange classifying it as an art form, however in many ways it can be easily be compared to, let us say, a theatrical experience. Websites like this are usually organized and run by a team of people who are creative, tech savvy, and have a desire to intensify moments in your life. Do you a service. Entertain you. It's like a new frontier of art if you view the whole concept of the website. This observation can also be applied to StumbleUpon and the Tripatorium. There are more and more people designing websites utilizing the internet to create a world of culture and increase the sharing of aesthetic stimulation between people. It is the art of combining all the elements that go into designing a site and experience like StereoMood. The photograph in the background, the quality of the user interface, the choice of music for each mood, collectively entices people to use it.